Tystar products are primarily used in the semiconductor industry. The semiconductor manufacturing and process technology has in recent years successfully penetrated other applications such as solar PV (photovoltaic) cells, MEMS (Micro Electronic Mechanical Systems), optical waveguide communications, opto-electronic devices, photo-voltaic solar cells and nano devices. The expanding market for diffusion and oxidation furnace systems for the photo-voltaic solar cell production, primarily in China and India, provides a substantial market opportunity for Tystar products. The fabrication of Carbon Nano-Tubes and Nano-Wires requires atmospheric and Low Pressure CVD furnaces. Tystar has installed several of these systems at different customers, with excellent performance feedback from our customers.

TYTAN Overview

TYTAN furnace Systems are used in the fabrication of semiconductor devices, MEMS, and photovoltaic cells. Several hundred furnaces have been installed worldwide by Tystar and they are all in successful operation, some systems in excess of 20 years. A TYTAN furnace is a delicate assembly of various components and subassemblies. Mechanical parts, electronic components and sophisticated quartzware are all specially designed to protect the integrity of the silicon wafers during processing. During operation, the furnace is operating at temperatures of up to 1,300 C. It can be exposed to toxic and corrosive gases and liquids. The furnace deign has been continuously refined by Tystar over the last 30 years with improvements in its performance and reliability. The process controllers have been redesigned several times to enhance its ease of operation and its accuracy. TYTAN furnace systems are designed for durability, stability and serviceability. TYTAN furnace systems offer a unique approach to the silicon wafer processing industry. The patented heat-plug provides with a much more compact furnace without compromising the throughput. This design results in superior process uniformity and higher wafer production yield.

Tytan furnaces have reliably served industry, universities, and national laboratories since the early 1980's. The systems require considerably less floor space and electrical power than conventional furnaces of equal capacity while providing superior process uniformity, ease of use, and minimization of the potential for human error. Tystar has installed over 1,600 process tubes worldwide, and most of them are still operating to specifications. The large customer base (many of whom are repeat customers) is a testament to Tystar's dedication to customer satisfaction and support. Strengths of the TYTAN technology are:

  • A small footprint saves up to 40% of cleanroom space
  • Superior temperature and process uniformity
  • Greater than 95% up-time
  • Energy savings of up to 50% over competing designs
  • Higher process yields
  • Minimal backstreaming of air into the process tube
  • Lower gas usage
  • Low particle generation
  • Reduced manufacturing cost

TYTAN furnaces are available in different models and configurations.

Product Overview

Tystar offers a long line of products in the categories of furnace systems, photo-chemical CVD, optical fiber perform CVD, PECVD systems, controllers, data collection system, and instruments. Tystar technology addresses a wide range of needs of the industry and the R&D community as well. We have years of experience and expertise in the related areas of technology.

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