Semiconductor diffusion furnace and CVD equipment which has been in use for several years may lack current equipment performance efficiency.

Tystar Corporation has the expertise in the design and manufacturing of semiconductor equipment to retrofit and/or upgrade your current process equipment, to satisfy the more advanced requirements for process control, stability and automation, increased wafer size, etc. Tystar Corporation can offer a variety of subsystems which can greatly enhance the performance and efficiency of your current equipment, at much lower cost than procuring new equipment. Tystar can retrofit Diffusion and CVD equipment of all standard models from all major manufacturers. Frequently retrofitted systems include:

  • Upgrades for larger wafer sizes
  • Advanced process and temperature controllers with host computer interfacing
  • Gas distribution and control system for better stability, reproducibility, automation and higher leak integrity
  • Closed loop pressure control for CVD systems
  • Upgraded gas control panels for minimal particulate generation
  • Liquid source vaporizer controller
  • Toxic/hazardous gas dilution and disposal systems

In 1988 Tystar Corporation entered the market for reconditioning and refurbishing of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, with emphasis on diffusion and oxidation systems and low pressure CVD reactors .Refurbished equipment provides a very cost effective alternative to investing in new equipment for semiconductor manufacturers and laboratories. Previously owned semiconductor process equipment can be refurbished at a fraction of the cost of new equipment and can satisfy the user's needs for improved performance.

Research and development, pilot line and high volume manufacturing of semiconductor, solid-state devices and MEMS are intricately tied to the available process equipment. While production equipment for high volume silicon chip manufacturing is readily available, high performance, quality prototype equipment for custom designed and R&D equipment is not. Tystar has extensive expertise in integrating reactors, gas control systems, heat, laser, UV light, RF and microwave sources. Tystar has proven designs for all required subsystems for integration into your custom designed equipment.

Semiconductor diffusion/oxidation furnaces and CVD equipment that has been in use for several years may lack current equipment performance efficiency. Tystar's experienced team can retrofit and/or upgrade your current process equipment to satisfy the more advanced requirements for process control, stability and automation, increased wafer size etc. Tystar offers a variety of subsystems that can enhance the performance and efficiency of your equipment. Tystar can upgrade and/or retrofit diffusion/oxidation and CVD equipment from most all major manufacturers. Please contact us to discuss your specific application.

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